Hello everyone,
I have set up a page for us all to share photos from our journey. Please be sure to upload your photos and download or order prints of any of the photos that are posted!
I am still uploading all mine and should have them all out there in the next couple days so be sure to check back often!
The site is: http://2009j2a.shutterfly.com/
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Journey's End
Today at 4:46pm, I am finally out of the bed and downstairs. I have had the best sleep I have had in 10 days (and the most), I haven't heard, "Mrs. Boor..." in over 8 hours. I am feeling much refreshed.
I feel the need to finish out our trip for you who have followed the blog because many of you who have been following us and praying for us don't have kids on the trip to tell you the end of the story and those of you who do have kids on the trip...I know how many details teenagers like to share!
On Friday, we visited San Francisco de Asis, Mission Dolores. It is a beautiful structure in the heart of San Francisco. We had a lovely spiritual time together with a beautiful closing prayer where we heard all of our prayers for each other.
After our time at the mission, we drove over to the Golden Gate Bridge. We got out of the bus and walked the 1 mile (1 1/2 by the time you include the access ramps) across the bridge. This was a great adventure. I was particularly proud of everyone for doing this because several folks (pilgrims and chaperones) were very anxious about walking across. They had various fears and phobias...heights, bridges, & water are at the top of the list. Pilgrims across the centuries have faced uncomfortable, scary, and/or even danger as they made their journey. One of my favorite memories from this trip will be my walk across the bridge. They views were spectacular but what made it special was that I held hands or linked elbows with a pilgrim and together we were able to get across the bridge. This is a great example of Christianity...knowing that someone is there to help you, to support you and believe that you can do it! We walked together knowing that this was a big step for someone who was very scared but was willing to move forward with help and faith.
We then drove through Sausalito to change buses and continue to Muir Woods. The magnificence of the redwood trees was is beyond my words. We all had a great time...and as usual, we all chose different paths but we all enjoyed this trip!
We finished out our trip back on the Wharf with dinner at Bubba Gumps.
The folks at the San Francisco airport would definitely not question that we were pilgrims - we certainly had the dust from the road on us! What a motley crew we were!
As we boarded our 11pm red-eye flight home, we were all ready to come home but we have all learned so much about ourselves, each other, and God's love for all of us.
I feel very blessed to have been given this opportunity with our J2A group. I have no doubt that our church will continue to grow and thrive as these children come into adulthood.
Much love and Peace, Karen
I feel the need to finish out our trip for you who have followed the blog because many of you who have been following us and praying for us don't have kids on the trip to tell you the end of the story and those of you who do have kids on the trip...I know how many details teenagers like to share!
On Friday, we visited San Francisco de Asis, Mission Dolores. It is a beautiful structure in the heart of San Francisco. We had a lovely spiritual time together with a beautiful closing prayer where we heard all of our prayers for each other.
After our time at the mission, we drove over to the Golden Gate Bridge. We got out of the bus and walked the 1 mile (1 1/2 by the time you include the access ramps) across the bridge. This was a great adventure. I was particularly proud of everyone for doing this because several folks (pilgrims and chaperones) were very anxious about walking across. They had various fears and phobias...heights, bridges, & water are at the top of the list. Pilgrims across the centuries have faced uncomfortable, scary, and/or even danger as they made their journey. One of my favorite memories from this trip will be my walk across the bridge. They views were spectacular but what made it special was that I held hands or linked elbows with a pilgrim and together we were able to get across the bridge. This is a great example of Christianity...knowing that someone is there to help you, to support you and believe that you can do it! We walked together knowing that this was a big step for someone who was very scared but was willing to move forward with help and faith.
We then drove through Sausalito to change buses and continue to Muir Woods. The magnificence of the redwood trees was is beyond my words. We all had a great time...and as usual, we all chose different paths but we all enjoyed this trip!
We finished out our trip back on the Wharf with dinner at Bubba Gumps.
The folks at the San Francisco airport would definitely not question that we were pilgrims - we certainly had the dust from the road on us! What a motley crew we were!
As we boarded our 11pm red-eye flight home, we were all ready to come home but we have all learned so much about ourselves, each other, and God's love for all of us.
I feel very blessed to have been given this opportunity with our J2A group. I have no doubt that our church will continue to grow and thrive as these children come into adulthood.
Much love and Peace, Karen
Friday, June 19, 2009
Day 8 & Day 9 - San Francisco
Wednesday was a huge day. We visited San Juan Batista which is a sprawling mission. Patrick found an old chapel and gathered us for our daily meditation and we heard from everyone what the church meant to them. They were all so eloquent and it was beautiful and moving for me to hear the kids articulate their feelings regarding SMEC and J2A.

We turned a corner and ran into a bunch of roosters! If you all could have seen the kids chasing the roosters across the lawn you would have cracked up!
We then got in the bus and drove straight to Fisherman's Wharf for lunch! After a quick lunch, we went to the tenderloin district to Glide which is a non-profit focused on the homeless in S.F. The director of the facility met with us for aboout 30 minutes and really laid it out for the kids in straight, blunt language. We all put on HAIR NETS, plastic gloves and aprons...that was a hoot. We looked like a bad flashback to a Lucy show! We worked a 3 hour shift doing everything from serving food, to busing tables, to running supplies. Bill cleaned and stacked all the trays for the shift! We served 633 meals. What was amazing to all of us was the number of folks who looked just like us...there by the grace of God go all of us. We met lots of nice folks, lots of scary folks, and all of them in need of love and grace.
We are staying in a hostel which is located on the bay near the Golden Gate bridge with beautiful view. It was built in the Civil War (1863) to house troops. It has not been updated since!
For dinner, we all opted to go back down to the Wharf. The kids had a terrific time and loved all the "wonderful" stores. I am sure that you will see and maybe receive a few of these treasures!
We got back to the hostel and chilled a little bit...they were pretty wound up about their new sleeping arrangements!
The kids were all very into this church...without us telling them to many of the kids enjoyed the labyrynth, many of the kids found pews and quiet time for prayer, while others lit candles. I think what most thrilled me was that we hadn't said a word other than - we are going to see Grace Cathedral. Their actions were their own.
We went to Chinatown for dinner and to wander through the streets. Fun, adventurous, and exciting for the kids. This was Jordan's favorite stop - she loves Chinatown!
We then hiked back up a mountain (notice at this time of night it is no longer a hill?) to the hostel.
The kids had a great time hanging out a few minutes in the common area. It sounded like the UN and I brought the average age up by about 20 years! Lots of cute kids from all over the world.
Community, Constancy and Peace - Karen, Bill and Chad
We turned a corner and ran into a bunch of roosters! If you all could have seen the kids chasing the roosters across the lawn you would have cracked up!
We then got in the bus and drove straight to Fisherman's Wharf for lunch! After a quick lunch, we went to the tenderloin district to Glide which is a non-profit focused on the homeless in S.F. The director of the facility met with us for aboout 30 minutes and really laid it out for the kids in straight, blunt language. We all put on HAIR NETS, plastic gloves and aprons...that was a hoot. We looked like a bad flashback to a Lucy show! We worked a 3 hour shift doing everything from serving food, to busing tables, to running supplies. Bill cleaned and stacked all the trays for the shift! We served 633 meals. What was amazing to all of us was the number of folks who looked just like us...there by the grace of God go all of us. We met lots of nice folks, lots of scary folks, and all of them in need of love and grace.
We are staying in a hostel which is located on the bay near the Golden Gate bridge with beautiful view. It was built in the Civil War (1863) to house troops. It has not been updated since!
For dinner, we all opted to go back down to the Wharf. The kids had a terrific time and loved all the "wonderful" stores. I am sure that you will see and maybe receive a few of these treasures!
We got back to the hostel and chilled a little bit...they were pretty wound up about their new sleeping arrangements!
The bus picked us up at 9 am to go to Alcatraz. It is a beautiful day - we had a clear view of everything! Bill led a quick expedition to Pier 39 to see Sea Lions who were showing off for the crowd. Ben Jernigan won the sounds most like a sea lion contest!
Alcatraz impressed the kids. Our tour guide got an Alcatraz employee to lock us in one of the 3 maximum security solitary confinement "holes"...let me just say DARK. However, we had plenty of folks with us at least!
We hustled off the island grabbed lunch and started our National Lampoon tour of San Fran...we went to Lombard Street, the crookedest street in the world, and walked down it! Then we went past the Castro, Postcard Row, Twin Peaks (gorgeous), Grace Cathedral and the Haight. We had the best time looking for tattoos for everyone to get a matching one! ...just kidding.
Grace Cathedral is the most fabulous Episcopal church I have ever seen. It reminds me of Notre Dame, except it is cleaner, brighter, and more beautiful.
We went to Chinatown for dinner and to wander through the streets. Fun, adventurous, and exciting for the kids. This was Jordan's favorite stop - she loves Chinatown!
We rode a cable car down from Market & Powell to Hyde & Ghirardelli Square. GHIRARDELLI SQUARE = CHOCOLATE. Yes - we finished our evening off with ice cream! I have never seen so many ice cream sundaes in my entire life!
We then hiked back up a mountain (notice at this time of night it is no longer a hill?) to the hostel.
The kids had a great time hanging out a few minutes in the common area. It sounded like the UN and I brought the average age up by about 20 years! Lots of cute kids from all over the world.
Tomorrow we have our last day of pilgrimage. And yes - there is as much packed into it as there was today.
As always the cool thing is - the kids are already talking about what they want to do together next...and when are we doing it!!!!!
Community, Constancy and Peace - Karen, Bill and Chad
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Day 7 - Mission San Carlos Borromeo del Rio Carmelo
Well folks - we are certainly staying busy!
Yesterday we toured Father Serra's favorite mission... this is where he chose to spend most of his time and in fact died and is buried here. It was spectacular- the view of Carmel was breathtaking. Listening to our lessons under God's beautiful vistas with no humidity & no bugs sure makes it easy to hear the message! Yesterday, Patrick spoke to the kids of their roles as part of the body of Christ and then we explored how we perceived each others fruits of the spirit. What a great experience.
We then went to Carmel and Monterey Bay. The kids all loved Carmel - what's not to love??? The kids actually found some girls playing beach volleyball - needless to say there were some very funny comments from this!
On to Monterey Bay, Patrick took all the kids to blacklight mini golf!!! Ann Katherine said it was both "ghetto and fun"! Patrick concurred! We saw sea otters, sea lions and lots of birds playing in the bay. No time to relax...on to dinner. In-and-Out Burgers - yep - more yummy burgers!
We finished out our day at the movies! We saw Angels and Demons - - - so much fun in one day!
Our evening tuck in with the kids was more fun than usual because we had treats for them! Jean Hall and Lisa Smith sent a HUGE care package so as we tucked them in everyone had yummy homemade treats. Thanks Jean and Lisa!
Today we are heading to San Francisco and a soup kitchen! Tomorrow's post should be interesting.
I heard you all are hot in Atlanta - we have been just a little chilly almost every day!
Peace - Karen
Yesterday we toured Father Serra's favorite mission... this is where he chose to spend most of his time and in fact died and is buried here. It was spectacular- the view of Carmel was breathtaking. Listening to our lessons under God's beautiful vistas with no humidity & no bugs sure makes it easy to hear the message! Yesterday, Patrick spoke to the kids of their roles as part of the body of Christ and then we explored how we perceived each others fruits of the spirit. What a great experience.
We then went to Carmel and Monterey Bay. The kids all loved Carmel - what's not to love??? The kids actually found some girls playing beach volleyball - needless to say there were some very funny comments from this!
On to Monterey Bay, Patrick took all the kids to blacklight mini golf!!! Ann Katherine said it was both "ghetto and fun"! Patrick concurred! We saw sea otters, sea lions and lots of birds playing in the bay. No time to relax...on to dinner. In-and-Out Burgers - yep - more yummy burgers!
We finished out our day at the movies! We saw Angels and Demons - - - so much fun in one day!
Our evening tuck in with the kids was more fun than usual because we had treats for them! Jean Hall and Lisa Smith sent a HUGE care package so as we tucked them in everyone had yummy homemade treats. Thanks Jean and Lisa!
Today we are heading to San Francisco and a soup kitchen! Tomorrow's post should be interesting.
I heard you all are hot in Atlanta - we have been just a little chilly almost every day!
Peace - Karen
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Yesterday we were in Mission San Luis Obisbo de Tolosa. We had a wonderful service which included an incredible homily and eucharist. The message was very powerful and I think everyone was moved (both the kids and the adults) and I know it brought our bus driver to tears...every day is a new day, and God gives you a fresh slate - no matter what you have done. Meghan assisted in the service. We were in a lovely old chapel.
We then went to the Hearst Castle - the kids were wowed with the pool and the spectacular views. They were horrified with the Hearst girlfriend-wife story...that was seriously questioned. Our tour guide made the girls feel much better when she explained the wife outlived everyone!!
We are sitting in the Best Western having breakfast...all the kids say Hi Mom! At this exact moment the 3rd shift of breakfast folks at here...Alison, Lauren, Sarah, Claire and Caius - all say HEY!!!!! OK - they have accused me of quoting them improperly - they actually said - Hi.
Claire gives a shoot out to her Fam!
Caius says - Hi Glenda, Tomie, Missy, Ms. Nancy, etc.
Sarah - thoughtfully says....hi - Mom, Dad and Anna - Lauren & Alison say Hi to Anna!!!!
Paul just showed up....Heeeeeyyyyyy.
Lauren says Hi to everyone in Florida!!
We are all thankful we don't have to change hotels today!!! Hooray
We are heading to Carmel today!!! Susan B is looking for Clint Eastwood! If she finds him - she's staying!
We then went to the Hearst Castle - the kids were wowed with the pool and the spectacular views. They were horrified with the Hearst girlfriend-wife story...that was seriously questioned. Our tour guide made the girls feel much better when she explained the wife outlived everyone!!
We are sitting in the Best Western having breakfast...all the kids say Hi Mom! At this exact moment the 3rd shift of breakfast folks at here...Alison, Lauren, Sarah, Claire and Caius - all say HEY!!!!! OK - they have accused me of quoting them improperly - they actually said - Hi.
Claire gives a shoot out to her Fam!
Caius says - Hi Glenda, Tomie, Missy, Ms. Nancy, etc.
Sarah - thoughtfully says....hi - Mom, Dad and Anna - Lauren & Alison say Hi to Anna!!!!
Paul just showed up....Heeeeeyyyyyy.
Lauren says Hi to everyone in Florida!!
We are all thankful we don't have to change hotels today!!! Hooray
We are heading to Carmel today!!! Susan B is looking for Clint Eastwood! If she finds him - she's staying!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Day 5 - Sunday
This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. We began our day yesterday with a short hike to the top of a waterfall. Very nice change of pace from the bus riding! We feasted on a picnic lunch of pb&j, apples and oreos...does life get any better than this? I heard more than one adult ask why they ever stopped eatting oreos! Our biggest excitment at this stop was the rumor of a mountain lion observing us from the top of the waterfall! The marker stated they were really only fond of small children - I felt pretty safe!
We visited this little town named Solvang, which looks like a litle town in Denmark. Very cute...think Helen, GA to Germany! The Mission Santa Ines is found in this town and they were having a very special ceremony (which I think was all in Spanish) for their HS graduates. It was a treat for us to get to watch the procession and listen to the chanting and singing. Such beautiful pagentry and tradition. The folks celebrating at this mission were mostly all hispanic. A very intimite peek into another culture and tradition.
The Mission La Purisma Concepcion de Maria Santasima was a HUGE example of a self contained and self supporting mission. They had lots of animals...prairie dogs, goats, horses, steer with huge horns, and the occasion snake tracks. Again, beautiful gardens. I am amazed at how much the kids enjoy the beauty of the flowers, fountains and garden paths.
Our finale of the day was taking the kids to the beach. Of course, only a handful were planning to get in the Pacific Ocean....next thing we knew - they were all frolicking like water nymphs! Bill started a rousing game of fling the kelp. NASTY. There was an aborted attempt to throw Bill in - he was heard screaming like a girl! Speaking of girls, the sweet, sweet girls decided I needed a huge, tight group hug...since they were all soaking wet! We all smelled sooooo good at the end of this adventure! As we were getting ready to leave, Chad started yelling like Captain Ahab, WHALE. Thar she blows...we all watched a pod of humpback whales. One of them was polite enough to breach for us!!!!
What a fun day...we invaded a pizza joint for supper. They are probably still trying to recover from all our polite, hungry kids. Yes Ma'am could I please have more pizza? They were blown away by our well mannered Southern children! That really stands out in CA!
We ended our day with evening prayer...we are actually getting pretty good at that!
Off for another mission! And the Hearst Castle!!!
All the kids are doing well. Please continue to pray for us. Love and Peace to All - Karen
We visited this little town named Solvang, which looks like a litle town in Denmark. Very cute...think Helen, GA to Germany! The Mission Santa Ines is found in this town and they were having a very special ceremony (which I think was all in Spanish) for their HS graduates. It was a treat for us to get to watch the procession and listen to the chanting and singing. Such beautiful pagentry and tradition. The folks celebrating at this mission were mostly all hispanic. A very intimite peek into another culture and tradition.
The Mission La Purisma Concepcion de Maria Santasima was a HUGE example of a self contained and self supporting mission. They had lots of animals...prairie dogs, goats, horses, steer with huge horns, and the occasion snake tracks. Again, beautiful gardens. I am amazed at how much the kids enjoy the beauty of the flowers, fountains and garden paths.
Our finale of the day was taking the kids to the beach. Of course, only a handful were planning to get in the Pacific Ocean....next thing we knew - they were all frolicking like water nymphs! Bill started a rousing game of fling the kelp. NASTY. There was an aborted attempt to throw Bill in - he was heard screaming like a girl! Speaking of girls, the sweet, sweet girls decided I needed a huge, tight group hug...since they were all soaking wet! We all smelled sooooo good at the end of this adventure! As we were getting ready to leave, Chad started yelling like Captain Ahab, WHALE. Thar she blows...we all watched a pod of humpback whales. One of them was polite enough to breach for us!!!!
What a fun day...we invaded a pizza joint for supper. They are probably still trying to recover from all our polite, hungry kids. Yes Ma'am could I please have more pizza? They were blown away by our well mannered Southern children! That really stands out in CA!
We ended our day with evening prayer...we are actually getting pretty good at that!
Off for another mission! And the Hearst Castle!!!
All the kids are doing well. Please continue to pray for us. Love and Peace to All - Karen
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Life in Community, Life on the Road
Hard to believe, but we are nearly at the half-way point of our journey. We have already learned quite a bit about the joys and challenges of life in community. This is appropriate, in that we are following the trail of missions established by Franciscan monks who knew very well how difficult life in community can be.
I hope that these words do not indicate that we are not having a good time, or that we are not enjoying one another's company. Quite the contrary! But the reality is that it takes practice, patience, discipline, and love to learn how to live in Christian community. That is one of the chief reasons why monastic orders have communal (and individual) disciplines. We Christians forget this from time to time, which is why pilgrimage is so valuable.
When we are home, in the midst of our routines, family and school lives, activities, etc., we can get away and escape when communal life becomes difficult, challenging, or a bit overstimulating. When we are away, on pilgrimage, we cannot get away from one another, nor from God for that matter (indeed, there is an intimate connection between life lived with one another and life lived with God-God knows this, and wants us to remember it). Instead, we have to learn to live with another, to listen to one another, to appreciate one another's gifts as well as one another's limitations, and to see those limitations not as obstacles to our common life, but as reminders of why we need one another and as invitations into deeper communal life.
I pray that in the days remaining on this voyage, we continue to learn what it means to live in community, to seek in one another God's invitation to deeper communion with him, and to learn to live, laugh, and love one another, not in spite of our limitations, but precisely because of them.
With every good blessing,
Father Skutch
Day 4 - Santa Barbara
Hello - Day 4...YEAH the sun decided to shine on us today! Hooray. Very nice. We had devotion this morning at Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana. Very cool lesson drawn from our experiences on the journey. Amazing how much everyone is experiencing! This mission was very busy today with the Quincenera celebrations as well as a wedding! Bob Hope was buried here in his garden that his wife donated for $24 million. I was something small like that for my grave!!!! Bill's friend Melissa Cameron came to visit us with her two children. Very fun!
We had a lovely ride up the coast to Santa Barbara and the Mission. They were in services while we were there so we listened to the music from the choir and Patrick led us in a little play time!
We had free time this afternoon, to wander around, eat lunch, play on the beach.
All the kids wanted to stay in Santa Barbara... and so did all the chaperones! We think that SMEC might need a retreat here!
Tonight we are staying in Lompoc. We closed the night with evening prayer by the pool. It is very easy to feel close to God in all this beauty.
The kids are all having a great time and seem to truly appreciate each others individuality. At dinner tonight, I actually heard the table next to us rating each others animal sounds...Jordan seemed to be the winner with the best cat meow!!!!
Please excuse the typos...we are all tired.
Peace - Karen
We had a lovely ride up the coast to Santa Barbara and the Mission. They were in services while we were there so we listened to the music from the choir and Patrick led us in a little play time!
We had free time this afternoon, to wander around, eat lunch, play on the beach.
All the kids wanted to stay in Santa Barbara... and so did all the chaperones! We think that SMEC might need a retreat here!
Tonight we are staying in Lompoc. We closed the night with evening prayer by the pool. It is very easy to feel close to God in all this beauty.
The kids are all having a great time and seem to truly appreciate each others individuality. At dinner tonight, I actually heard the table next to us rating each others animal sounds...Jordan seemed to be the winner with the best cat meow!!!!
Please excuse the typos...we are all tired.
Peace - Karen
Day 3 Cruising up the Coast to LA
OH MY GOODNESS>>>>We saw 2 missions, the Getty, Hollywood, and Universal City Walk. Needless to say, we were too worn out to blog last night!
We visited the Mission San Luis Rey first thing Friday morning - it was incredibly beautiful It is known as the King of the Missions - Galatians 5:22 is their guilding scripture. It was easy to see the fruits of the Spirit at work there.
Next we visited San Juan Capistrano, the Jewel of the Missions. They are famous for their annual return of the swallows. The gardens were so spectatcular....we could have stayed all day there. We had morning prayer at this Mission led by Sarah, Alison, Claire and Frannie. Very moving to think that we were praying in gardens that had been the home to monks and priests for centuries.
We all learned our favorite new restaurant was the In and Out Burger - YUMMY. All fresh, never frozen. We were all big fans!
Next we hustled up the coast to LA! We visited the Getty - there happened to be an exhibit of manuscripts from the 1400's with beautiful drawings of the Psalms. We all found things that thrilled us - fabulous Impressionist art, to cactus gardens, the Getty archictecture, to making our own art with Bill as the Art Director....
Well after seeing God's handiwork in the missions and art...we had to show them the other side! Hollywood! WOW. Patrick was able to deliver a wonderful message with this juxtoposition! The kids saw all sorts of eye opening things on the strip!
We ended our day at the Hardrock Cafe for dinner. The chaperones were on sensory overload but the kids were in heaven!
We checked into the Sportsman's Lodge for the evening. Famous for old Hollywood types - Clarke Gable used to like to fish here. It reminded me of the hotel in an old Elvis movie...the one where they were all on Spring Break together....band by the pool, cabana hut for refreshments...but it was clean and nice in the rooms. All the kids were thrilled with the rooms!
We visited the Mission San Luis Rey first thing Friday morning - it was incredibly beautiful It is known as the King of the Missions - Galatians 5:22 is their guilding scripture. It was easy to see the fruits of the Spirit at work there.
Next we visited San Juan Capistrano, the Jewel of the Missions. They are famous for their annual return of the swallows. The gardens were so spectatcular....we could have stayed all day there. We had morning prayer at this Mission led by Sarah, Alison, Claire and Frannie. Very moving to think that we were praying in gardens that had been the home to monks and priests for centuries.
We all learned our favorite new restaurant was the In and Out Burger - YUMMY. All fresh, never frozen. We were all big fans!
Next we hustled up the coast to LA! We visited the Getty - there happened to be an exhibit of manuscripts from the 1400's with beautiful drawings of the Psalms. We all found things that thrilled us - fabulous Impressionist art, to cactus gardens, the Getty archictecture, to making our own art with Bill as the Art Director....
Well after seeing God's handiwork in the missions and art...we had to show them the other side! Hollywood! WOW. Patrick was able to deliver a wonderful message with this juxtoposition! The kids saw all sorts of eye opening things on the strip!
We ended our day at the Hardrock Cafe for dinner. The chaperones were on sensory overload but the kids were in heaven!
We checked into the Sportsman's Lodge for the evening. Famous for old Hollywood types - Clarke Gable used to like to fish here. It reminded me of the hotel in an old Elvis movie...the one where they were all on Spring Break together....band by the pool, cabana hut for refreshments...but it was clean and nice in the rooms. All the kids were thrilled with the rooms!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Day 2-Mission San Diego de Alcala
WOW - what a busy day....we toured 2 missions, Old Town, Horton Square, and Seaport Village. The kids appeared to be most excited about the Mall! Hooray - Fovever 21, Del Sol, Lids, and lots of new flat bill baseball hats! Some chapherones were very excited for the Nordstrom's shoe department, others for independent book store, and all of us for starbucks!
We have walked and laughed all day! The kids are now in the hottub and we are waiting to call curfew!!! How can they have that much more energy than us?
We had a very enthusiastic docent who talked at length (1 1/2 hours) about the Settlement of San Diego and Spanish-Mexican politics from the 1800's!?!??! The Mission was beautiful, both the architecture, art and landscaping. The roses here were amazing.
Coronado was so beautiful....the kids loved it.
Tomorrow we hit the road for LA. The girls are begging for Rodeo Drive and the boys want to go to the beach!
We have walked and laughed all day! The kids are now in the hottub and we are waiting to call curfew!!! How can they have that much more energy than us?
We had a very enthusiastic docent who talked at length (1 1/2 hours) about the Settlement of San Diego and Spanish-Mexican politics from the 1800's!?!??! The Mission was beautiful, both the architecture, art and landscaping. The roses here were amazing.
Coronado was so beautiful....the kids loved it.
Tomorrow we hit the road for LA. The girls are begging for Rodeo Drive and the boys want to go to the beach!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Perfect Day
Today went great. In fact, we could say it was the perfect day! We had no problems getting out of Atlanta, we all got our luggage, the kids were all responsible and respectful! We have all had fun together!
The San Diego Zoo was amazing. The kids enjoyed their freedom of wandering the zoo. Everyone met back on time - and really seemed to be supportive of each other! It was so fun for the kids to show us what they had purchased...amazing how many of the gifts were for their parents! Of course, the blue silk boxer shorts with pandas purchased by a couple of pilgrims was our personal favorite!
We have just checked into the Kings Inn. Think 1950's rat pack architecture with all the original paint...glorious. We have convened in the Amigo Spot to debrief and for dinner.
The San Diego Zoo was amazing. The kids enjoyed their freedom of wandering the zoo. Everyone met back on time - and really seemed to be supportive of each other! It was so fun for the kids to show us what they had purchased...amazing how many of the gifts were for their parents! Of course, the blue silk boxer shorts with pandas purchased by a couple of pilgrims was our personal favorite!
We have just checked into the Kings Inn. Think 1950's rat pack architecture with all the original paint...glorious. We have convened in the Amigo Spot to debrief and for dinner.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Preparing for the Pilgrimage
We all started this journey together two years ago...hours of discussion, preparation and planning. Why does it always feel like it comes down to the last minute? Yikes - I don't have my clothes organized, I need to go to the dry cleaners and the drug store...but I do have my Bible, prayer book, and meditations! I guess I really have everything I need...right???? I mean what else could we need? Oh - I do have purell, breath mints and gum! 48 hours before we leave! Hooray!
We are all so excited for this adventure...where will the journey take us? What will we learn? Do we think just the kids will get the lessons...I don't think so! Karen
We are all so excited for this adventure...where will the journey take us? What will we learn? Do we think just the kids will get the lessons...I don't think so! Karen
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